712 West Clayton St
Dayton , TX 77535
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T. Neale Propane - logo
(936) 258-4500
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Q & A

T. Neale Propane FAQs

• Discounts Available

• Free Quotes

(936) 258-4500
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Hours: Closed Opens 8:00 am

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Learn More About Propane

Whatever your questions are regarding propane, the professionals at T. Neale Propane are here to help. Check out answers to some of our most commonly received questions, or give our friendly staff a call at (936) 258-4500 if you have any further questions.

  • What can I do to conserve energy costs?

    • There are a few fast and easy energy-saving tips you can put into place today.
    • Schedule an appointment for a heating system checkup through our local suburban service center
    • Change or clean your furnace filters once a month throughout the heating season
    • Upgrade your appliances to newer high-efficiency models
    • Close vents, doors, and fireplace dampers in unused rooms
    • Lower your water heater's thermostat to 120 degrees Fahrenheit
    • Ensure your attic and basement have the recommended insulation levels
    • Clean your dyer's link filters to improve airflow and prevent fire hazards
    • Lower your home's thermostat whenever you will be away for more than a few hours
    • Install an automatic or programmable thermostat
  • Do propane prices change?

    Propane prices respond to supply and demand changes quickly, such as unexpected cold or warm weather, supply interruptions, or excess production. These changes may be reflected in the wholesale price of propane, which will affect our delivery prices.

  • Why isn't my tank filled to 100% capacity?

    Propane is delivered and stored in its liquid form, which will expand into a gas that would take up to 17 times as much volume as water kept at the same temperature. Because of this, propane tanks and cylinders are filled to about 85% capacity in order to leave space for propane to expand freely in response to temperature changes.

    The temperature of your propane changes due to the temperature of the air surrounding the container. Hot days, cool nights, and both rain and snow can have an impact, and these various conditions may cause fluctuations in the readings you see in your container gauge.

  • Is propane an environmentally friendly fuel?

    Propane is one of the cleanest burning fuels available, making it a clear choice for environmentally conscious homes and businesses. It burns cleaner than gasoline and other fossil fuels and emits lower levels of carbon dioxide and particulates. It doesn't produce sulfur dioxide, which is a primary cause of the greenhouse effect. Additionally, it is non-toxic and vaporizes quickly, so it won't contaminate soil or groundwater.

    Propane is also a natural by-product of the crude oil and natural gas refining processes, meaning there is a plentiful supply of it.

  • How can I convert gallons to cubic feet?

    Propane is also a natural by-product of the crude oil and natural gas refining processes, meaning there is an extremely plentiful supply of it.

  • How do I read the gauge on my propane tank?

    If your tank has a gauge, it will typically be located on top of the tank under a small hood. We do offer automatic delivery services. Delivery is based on your typical propane use trends so that you never need to worry about tracking your propane levels.

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